Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Ok... we all know I am a supreme DORK! We all know that I love my family and I think outside the box on most occasions. We all know that I'm generally composed. We also know that i thrive on anxiety sometimes and getting things done. I am addicted to Post-its, peanut butter M&Ms, green Laffy Taffy, Grey's Anatomy, Nip Tuck, and most importantly TWILIGHT! Yes I am a huge TWI-la-HOLIC! Today, though, I found myself almost giddy waiting to go see NEW MOON tomorrow night, or Friday morning rather, at midnight. Yes! Myself, Kourtni, her friend, Gabby, Jacy ( Gabby's step-mom) and our friend Kelly, are going to the TWILIGHT/ NEW MOON double feature! I cannot wait! SOOO much fun! The ultimate girls night! Yes, before you ask, I do have work the next day and I'm not skipping. I drudging on and sacrificing sleep for my beloved Edward. YAYYYY!!!!!

Thursday, November 5, 2009


While I could be blogging about numerous happenings in life, I just cannot contain my excitement about NEW MOON opening on November 20th! I really am just overjoyed that I get to see Edward and Bella reunited on film. Robert Pattinson is on the cover of Vanity Fair for November. His piercing blue eyes just stare right out of the picture at me. I swear I did not think he was even remotely hot until I became a TWI-la-holic.

While we wait for NEW MOON, I'll give you another hands-in-hair shot of Mr. Pattinson. SOO cute! I even like this distressed look! Happy TWILIGHTING!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Only 19 more Days!

There is only 19 more days until we get to see the next installment of one of the greatest love stories ever! Even though New Moon was my least favorite of the book series, I cannot wait to see the action and passion that it will be on screen. It wasn't as if I didn't like it, it was just hard to get through. It was gut-wrenching! I know that it ends well so that's all that matters. I am so excited!

Mark your calendars ( mine has been marked for months) NEW MOON is almost here!