Monday, August 17, 2009


Of course any of you that have spoken to me in the last year know that I am embarking on the journey of having a career. I am a teacher. Though I haven't actually taught anyone anything yet, I feel more and more like a teacher everyday. I get to buy office supplies and post its, which makes me very happy (I have a secret love affair with post its!). I get to decorate a room and plan lessons.

Today, though, my first official day, I feel even more like a teacher. As I walked out of my bedroom, in my overly comfortable shoes, because I will have to stand a lot, I thought about all that has happened in my life to get me here. I walked by pictures of my girls that line my hall, I looked at the family pictures we took last year. As tears began to fill my eyes I just felt so thankful and grateful to GOD for my life. Perfection it is not; but wonderful it is.

There's lots of things that we can change and do better. I wish Breon and I could communicate better. I wish I was more girly so I could help Kourtni pick out all the cool clothes. I wish I was a better cook so Brea, my aspiring chef, had a better teacher. I wish I didn't doubt myself at every turn and feel like I am doomed to failure. Even though there are things that could change, life is not terrible. It could always be worse, even though it could be better.

I thank GOD for the changes happening in my life. Things are changing for the better. I know it's only because of the prayers and encouragement of wonderful family and friends. I am grateful for where I am in life. I know the value of every second and I cherish them all.

This summer I have been transformed not only into a teacher, but into a better wife, mother, family member, and friend.

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