Thursday, July 30, 2009

It's Thursday!

YAY! It's Twilight Thursday. Here's the dose of eye candy then I'll get down to business.

Yes, I know, you're welcome. Now... what I feared would happen, has happened. The Twilight Saga has gotten so big that Summit thinks they can just change stuff up on us. Rachel Lefevre is out, Brice Dallas Howard is in. I don't know about you, but I don't like it! I think the original cast should have been stuck to because they made this movie start off as what it is, quirky greatness! I find Brice Howard a little stiff and stick-like. I mean she's Oppey's daughter for crying out loud! I did love her in The Village, though. I just think this is going to be weird. Then last night, I dreamed that they changed Emmett (Kellan Lutz) too! Did not like that dream at all. I love Kellan!

Anyway, let's pray that there are no more cast changes. Sorry Rachel! Have a great Twilight Thursday!

Monday, July 27, 2009

No More Dark Days...

I didn't sleep very well last night and it's taking a toll on me. I have been known to jump into too many things, try to do too much, and to put myself way back on the back-burner. I know this about myself but I can't help it. It's just in me to give of my time and self to others. I will always put the needs of my husband, children, friends, and family first. I don't have the selfish gene I guess. Is it really selfish though? This going to work thing is super scary to me. I constantly question my self worth and being good enough. Now it not only effects my kids but others peoples kids too. I think I can do it but some days I have to talk myself into thinking I'm even capable of doing anything right.

A lot of this comes from growing up in a family where I never felt quite good enough. Now I live in a marriage where I feel the same way. I live in a world where I feel the same way. I know it's all about perception and that my wonderful friends think I'm pretty cool. I appreciate that. if I didn't have those friends, God knows where I'd be. It's all about what goes on in my head, though. What I tell myself everyday.

I am willing myself to have no more dark days. If you've been keeping up with me, you know that's been more of a struggle for me this summer than it has in a long time. I've found myself needing to cry more and not knowing exactly what to do about it. It been a long time since I had to make myself be happy. I can do it though. I will do it.

I know that things could always be worse. So I'm thankful for whatever I have to go through. I'm going to be better on the other side of this and all obstacles. I am strong enough to face any of it.


Sunday, July 26, 2009


Just a thought...

God knows all, sees all, has a plan for us all. I know this and have known it for many years. Why then do I find some way to worry or fret about what's going to happen? Our financial situation is a little bleak because I haven't gotten paid in over a month. Should I worry and go crazy? NO!! God already has it figured out. There's something I'm supposed to learn from this struggle, too: FAITH, HOPE, FULL RELIANCE ON GOD! Whatever the lesson, I will remain faithful.

Bills due, things to buy, more things to do... God I will trust in you!

Thursday, July 23, 2009


I was talking to Jaclyn, my TWILIGHT partner in crime, about how cute Robert Pattinson is. He's really grown on me since I got into TWILIGHT. So I think I going to institute TWILIGHT THURSDAY! It just a fun way for me to get to see more TWILIGHT ! Enjoy this first installment of the TWILIGHT hottie!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


I came home today from my workshop to find a great surprise. When the girls left with their friend to go swimming, they didn't close the dog crate securely. Dallas & Austin had a busy afternoon in the garage!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


I just want you all to know...I LOVE CHIPOTLE!

Worth Watching

As some of you may know, I have this really weird need to watch CNN every single day. A big part of that is because I have had a super long-standing crush on Anderson Cooper. I've loved him since the first time I saw him on Channel 1 in 7th grade! Does anyone else remember that used to come on at school and you'd watch it in Social Studies class? Lisa Ling was on it, too!

Despite my love for Anderson, I think CNN in greatness. Informative, entertaining, and overall just great. One of my other favorite anchors is Soledad O'Brien. If you've ever seen her, you may not know that she is part Black! That doesn't really matter to my point here, but it kind of does. On last year Soledad did this series called Black in America. It was wonderful! I think she may have won an Emmy for it but I'm not sure. Anyway... Black in America 2 premieres on CNN on Thursday. I think it will be equally as riveting and educational. Check it out if you have time. It'll run more than once, as does everything on cable networks. You may learn something you never knew. I think it'll spark discussion and enlighten many.

Ok, off my soapbox I go.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Really... Another Addiction

I have been known to go headlong into things after I finally take the plunge in. I mean seriously, could I be a bigger Twilight fan. After Jaclyn begged me for months to read the book, I reluctantly read it. Of course I didn't think I would be interested at all in vampires. Let me tell you, I LOVE VAMPIRES! Or at least I love the Cullens! I dream about Edward! Not just him either. If this were a real-life thing, Emmett would be my man! I miss them if I don't pick up the book every now and then.

Anyway... I say this to say that I'm addicted to yet another tv show; Army Wives. This show is absolutely great! If you've never watched, it is a story of wives, and their husbands, living in the Army (duh). I've liked the show since it came on two seasons ago but tonight, they blew me away. They gave a God-centered lesson that made me look at myself. Sometimes I get caught up in situations and winning and loosing instead of the big picture of life. WOW! God has recently chosen to speak to me through the things I love and probably spend too much time with; tv and music. Now it's up to me to be smart enough to listen!

If I'm going to be addicted to something, at least it's not crack and at least GOD uses it to make me better.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Thought I better try to figure out how to add pictures on here. First try!


Okay... so I haven't jumped whole-heartedly onto this blogging bandwagon. I really need to get into it or this serves no purpose. I had a hard couple of weeks after I set this up and didn't feel like working on it. I fell into what I call my dark days. Usually it's a quick little sad day and I'm over it. This time, though, was not quick. I'm still dealing with some of the "darkness". It's been a really long time since I've had it this bad. For a couple of days, I was really starting to get scared. I'm not sure if any of you know that feeling of despair and emptiness, but I don't like it. I think all of the changes in our lives right now contributed to it. i'm starting to work, the girls are getting older. We're different. I try to adapt to change quickly but I guess my mind and body were just exhausted. I'm feeling better everyday. Breon has been patients and understanding with me which has been really refreshing. He's usually kind of short with me when I get in my funks. So I'll be working on getting this BLOG thing going and I'll try to make it interesting.

Friday, July 3, 2009


So I have ventured into the world of blogging. Of course this is at the encouragement of my wonderful friend, who's more like my big sister, Jaclyn. She's introduced me to lots of great things including one of my biggest obsessions... TWILIGHT! She thinks I have something to add to the world but I'm not sure. I've never really thought I've had much to say about anything. Maybe not that I didn't have much to say but that I haven't always been listened to. I'm the third of four children; the odd one. I have lots of opinions and now I get to share them with you! Give me time and i'll have this running like clockwork!